We rely on your support

We’ve seen over 30,000 people call Harris Park Community Centre home and we’re keen to keep that number going! Get on board and support us as we grow our community here.

There are many ways you can help us grow and continue to support us in our mission. From supporting specific programs or by advertising your service or business within the community centre.

Give us a call to have a chat as to how YOU can MAKE a DIFFERENCE.


How it helps…

By making a donation, you are giving us a helpful hand in providing assistance and a safe space for the people of Harris Park. We are a non-for-profit organisation, which means your donations keeps us running and allows us to continue giving back to our community!

Every donation counts. Help us as we support Harris Park.


Providing Support

We invest money to directly support the people in our community in need of practical care and support, through emergency food parcels, counselling and referrals.


Community Events

We run community events in partnership with other community groups. Your donations support these events, which bring life and energy to Harris Park!


Running Costs

We need money to pay our rent, utilities and our hardworking staff members. It is their dedication to serve the community which keeps HPCC up and running.